エンゼルス、全米ドラ1モニアックの電撃解雇を発表 開幕前の“非情通告”…米記者「驚き」
エンゼルス、全米ドラ1モニアックの電撃解雇を発表 開幕前の“非情通告”…米記者「驚き」
転載元: https://lavender.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/mlb/1742792416/
264: 名無しさん@実況は実況板で 2025/03/26(水) 01:45:12.90 ID:65may+6K0
The Los Angeles Angels are releasing outfielder Mickey Moniak, sources tell ESPN. They owe him $333,333 — one-sixth of the $2 million salary he won in an arbitration hearing over the winter. Similar situation to J.D. Davis’ last spring. Arb settlements are guaranteed. Not cases.
265: 名無しさん@実況は実況板で 2025/03/26(水) 01:45:52.22 ID:vhgMGxSY0