1: 名無し 2024/12/02(月) 02:29:34.67 ID:9tOUCgp09Putin says he doesn’t believe Trump is safe after assassination attempts
プーチン大統領、暗刹未遂事件後もトランプ氏が安全だとは信じていないと発言“By the way, in my opinion, he is not safe now,” Putin said.
「ところで、私の意見では彼は現在安全ではない」とプーチン大統領は述べた。“Unfortunately, in the history of the United States various incidents have happened. I think he [Trump] is intelligent and I hope he’s cautious and understands this.”
詳細はソース 2024/11/29 ソース英語『Putin says he doesn’t believe Trump is safe after assassination attempts』
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